8:51 PM
I know a couple of you are doing the study on your own. And I also know with kids, jobs and all that goes into life, sometimes you just can't make it. So, I thought I would post what I thought was most important in each class.
But here is the deal, you have to post what you heard in the class (if you came) or what you are thinking as you do you homework.
For me, the biggest thing in the first class, was the word "show"! God wants to "show" in our life. I loved that in the original Greek that word "show" in Ephesians 2:6-7 is Endeiknumi, and it means: Demonstrate, prove, display, manifest.
When I see that word demonstrate, I think of being at Costco when they have the demonstration of how easy the food juicer works. I don't know why, but that is just what I picture. When I think of how Jesus wants to "show" in my life, I think would someone looking at me right now, be able to see that Jesus works?
Your turn what did you ponder on from last week?
(I was about to hit publish when I realized that title is boring with a capital B! Can anyone think of a better title?)
Jenny Do you know that spells Jenny with the font "webdings" . What is that anyway? Kinda cool though, a beach and a present!
But here is the deal, you have to post what you heard in the class (if you came) or what you are thinking as you do you homework.
For me, the biggest thing in the first class, was the word "show"! God wants to "show" in our life. I loved that in the original Greek that word "show" in Ephesians 2:6-7 is Endeiknumi, and it means: Demonstrate, prove, display, manifest.
When I see that word demonstrate, I think of being at Costco when they have the demonstration of how easy the food juicer works. I don't know why, but that is just what I picture. When I think of how Jesus wants to "show" in my life, I think would someone looking at me right now, be able to see that Jesus works?
Your turn what did you ponder on from last week?
(I was about to hit publish when I realized that title is boring with a capital B! Can anyone think of a better title?)
Jenny Do you know that spells Jenny with the font "webdings" . What is that anyway? Kinda cool though, a beach and a present!
6:33 AM
Right now our blog seems to mostly be me typing and you all reading. Not exactly much fun for either of us. So today if you read with us, leave a comment! With or without your name.
After the first night of study together we said that our main point was,
God will fight for us because we are His.
That just about sums it up, in case you didn't make it to class here is a short story that illustrates this point. Katie's picture is included just so you'll have a face to put with her name.
Hopefully, you are working on your homework and I would love to hear what you are thinking about it.
I can tell you that it has been running around in my mind because just this weekend we had a new thing rear its ugly head. My first response was anger, but I stopped and asked myself what is at work here?
In this case it was a clear case of evil trying to sneak in the door.
So I changed my tatic and made sure I was fighting "for" and not just "with" the offending party. It always amazes me how as soon as I make that switch in my head, my next response is to pray. But when I am stuck in that fighting "with" pattern, prayer is low on the priority list!
What have you seen so far this week?
P.S. Just in case you didn't come the first week, or just flat can't make it, you can find the homework here. Just click the title and you can print it out. Feel free to share with anyone you think might like it. Each week around Thursday, Laura (the best!) will put it on the website for you.
After the first night of study together we said that our main point was,
God will fight for us because we are His.
That just about sums it up, in case you didn't make it to class here is a short story that illustrates this point. Katie's picture is included just so you'll have a face to put with her name.
Hopefully, you are working on your homework and I would love to hear what you are thinking about it.
I can tell you that it has been running around in my mind because just this weekend we had a new thing rear its ugly head. My first response was anger, but I stopped and asked myself what is at work here?
In this case it was a clear case of evil trying to sneak in the door.
So I changed my tatic and made sure I was fighting "for" and not just "with" the offending party. It always amazes me how as soon as I make that switch in my head, my next response is to pray. But when I am stuck in that fighting "with" pattern, prayer is low on the priority list!
What have you seen so far this week?
P.S. Just in case you didn't come the first week, or just flat can't make it, you can find the homework here. Just click the title and you can print it out. Feel free to share with anyone you think might like it. Each week around Thursday, Laura (the best!) will put it on the website for you.
4:44 PM
I have to tell you that I had so much fun last night. I love when we can get together, laugh, learn and love on one another! I don't know all of you personally, but I know I will by the end of the class.
This morning I woke up, and I looked at the sign-up sheets with your name on it, and I told God He was so good. And I thanked him for the chance to be a part of what He is going to do in your life!
We have some exciting stuff coming up and I can't wait! And if you are in the Sunday night group, I can't wait to be with you all!
(Are you noticing that I am fond of "!"?)
In case you didn't get to come last night you can come on Sunday Nights at 6:30 at NorthPointe. Or if you know you can't come to either but you are interested in the study if you go to the church's website here, you can print it out and do it online with us! We haven't copyrighted(so you are free to make copies) this study. So, if you have a friend at work or wherever, do it together.
Please interact with us! Good or Bad. Happy or sad. I want to hear what you are thinking and what God is saying to you. What you share may be just the encouragement one of us needs!
Lastly, a couple of our ladies have taken up blogging too. You can find their blogs on the side bar. If you have a blog(and are part of our church/study) and let me know I will link you to us.
Have a great day!
This morning I woke up, and I looked at the sign-up sheets with your name on it, and I told God He was so good. And I thanked him for the chance to be a part of what He is going to do in your life!
We have some exciting stuff coming up and I can't wait! And if you are in the Sunday night group, I can't wait to be with you all!
(Are you noticing that I am fond of "!"?)
In case you didn't get to come last night you can come on Sunday Nights at 6:30 at NorthPointe. Or if you know you can't come to either but you are interested in the study if you go to the church's website here, you can print it out and do it online with us! We haven't copyrighted(so you are free to make copies) this study. So, if you have a friend at work or wherever, do it together.
Please interact with us! Good or Bad. Happy or sad. I want to hear what you are thinking and what God is saying to you. What you share may be just the encouragement one of us needs!
Lastly, a couple of our ladies have taken up blogging too. You can find their blogs on the side bar. If you have a blog(and are part of our church/study) and let me know I will link you to us.
Have a great day!
9:01 AM
I love snap shots, because it is fun to make up in your mind what they might be saying and thinking. But I have to tell you we can KNOW what is going on in this picture because Laura told the story on her blog. After I read it this morning, I started uploading these pictures and I almost came unglued laughing when I saw we might have a picture of it in action! You gotta go check it out and love on Laura today!
6:57 AM
What a day we had yesterday! I'm thinking many of you are like me and received a good word from the Lord through Debbie.
I jumped up (maybe dragged) myself up this morning determined to start the morning using what I had learned.
As I got my journal out and filled in the page I wrote Almighty in under the Lord's column. As I sat here thinking about what that word meant I decided to look up a couple of places where it is used. I turned to Amos (thinking now that is a book I don't read often) and just about fell off the couch!
Right across the top of chapter 5 it says "A Lament and call to REPENTANCE!" (emphasis mine)
That is exactly what God had been saying to me, I have to learn to repent and not just say I'm sorry. There is a big difference in the two for me. So I already know that as I start to read Amos God has something to say.
As I read through chapter 5, they were in big trouble for sin in their nation and at verse 14 He says:
Seek good, not evil,
that you may live.
Then the LORD God Almighty will be
with you,
just as you say He is.
As I pondered that a couple things struck me. First, our nation is in trouble and a lot of the trouble we are in has some similarities to the people in Amos time. When God says those words to Israel, they could apply to us as a country also. The country needs to turn back to God and seek Him, then He will be with us just like our money says He is.
I wanted so much to stop pondering there, because that was easy as I sit in my chair. Yes, Lord the country needs to seek you and then we will live. And you will be with us.
But you know what? It starts with me. I'm in this country and I need to make sure I am seeking good and not evil. That is a huge difference to me. Some of what I watch, read and even talk about if I truly held it side by side with what God says through His written Word would be considered evil. See I just did it, "considered" nope it is evil!
As I looked at my journal, seeing Chad's name, then mine, then Meghan's, Katie's and Lauren's I realized we have got to start seeking good not evil! The stakes are too high for us to keep fooling around!
So how about you all, what did God speak to you at the conference and what did you hear from the Almighty God today?
I jumped up (maybe dragged) myself up this morning determined to start the morning using what I had learned.
As I got my journal out and filled in the page I wrote Almighty in under the Lord's column. As I sat here thinking about what that word meant I decided to look up a couple of places where it is used. I turned to Amos (thinking now that is a book I don't read often) and just about fell off the couch!
Right across the top of chapter 5 it says "A Lament and call to REPENTANCE!" (emphasis mine)
That is exactly what God had been saying to me, I have to learn to repent and not just say I'm sorry. There is a big difference in the two for me. So I already know that as I start to read Amos God has something to say.
As I read through chapter 5, they were in big trouble for sin in their nation and at verse 14 He says:
Seek good, not evil,
that you may live.
Then the LORD God Almighty will be
with you,
just as you say He is.
As I pondered that a couple things struck me. First, our nation is in trouble and a lot of the trouble we are in has some similarities to the people in Amos time. When God says those words to Israel, they could apply to us as a country also. The country needs to turn back to God and seek Him, then He will be with us just like our money says He is.
I wanted so much to stop pondering there, because that was easy as I sit in my chair. Yes, Lord the country needs to seek you and then we will live. And you will be with us.
But you know what? It starts with me. I'm in this country and I need to make sure I am seeking good and not evil. That is a huge difference to me. Some of what I watch, read and even talk about if I truly held it side by side with what God says through His written Word would be considered evil. See I just did it, "considered" nope it is evil!
As I looked at my journal, seeing Chad's name, then mine, then Meghan's, Katie's and Lauren's I realized we have got to start seeking good not evil! The stakes are too high for us to keep fooling around!
So how about you all, what did God speak to you at the conference and what did you hear from the Almighty God today?
5:45 PM
This morning as I was fussing with my daughters over their cleaning skills, or lack of, I started hearing God ask me a question. BUT I was to busy fussing, in my mind I thought as soon as I get to work I'll stop and talk with you God.
As I arrived at work I realized that I had a TON of stuff to do, so in my mind I thought, on my way home.
I should be home now, but I'm still at work because a friend of mine here at the office lost her husband unexpectedly this week thru a car wreck. We are heading over to the funeral home to love on her.
But as I sit here I realize two big things!
#1 How crazy am I to put God off
#2 I don't like funeral homes and I struggle with what to say
As I was thinking on these two things, (still putting God off??) I realized that it is almost time for the conference! Two more days. Can you believe it?
Now that I have finally slowed down long enough to listen to God, his question to me, may be one He wants you to ponder on.
As I arrived at work I realized that I had a TON of stuff to do, so in my mind I thought, on my way home.
I should be home now, but I'm still at work because a friend of mine here at the office lost her husband unexpectedly this week thru a car wreck. We are heading over to the funeral home to love on her.
But as I sit here I realize two big things!
#1 How crazy am I to put God off
#2 I don't like funeral homes and I struggle with what to say
As I was thinking on these two things, (still putting God off??) I realized that it is almost time for the conference! Two more days. Can you believe it?
Now that I have finally slowed down long enough to listen to God, his question to me, may be one He wants you to ponder on.
What do you want from this conference?
When Peter first started realizing who Jesus was he was following him, when Jesus turned around and ask him, 'what do you want'. Peter I think was caught off guard and said something like 'I want to go to your house'. (This is a very loose translation as it is what we call the Jenny version, I will put the actually text up later tonight but for now just work with me!)
In my heart I feel like God is wanting to do a work in us, through Debbie's message. But maybe we need to start pondering it, so we can say to God, this is what I need. This is what I need to hear from you on. All through the Word of God he tells us to cry out to Him.
In order to cry out though, we may have to know what we are looking for! Personally, I have this one area that is tender and I keep on picking at the scab, so it stays tender. I need God to apply His Word to that area and heal it!
Think about it, and if you are willing, post a comment and share what you are wanting to hear from God about during this conference. Go ahead and start calling out to him!
(if you need help posting a comment on the side of the blog is some instructions that may help you.)
2:41 PM
Hello Ladies of North Pointe!
For those who do not know me, my name is Melanie Henry. I started attending North Pointe in late December 2007 with my family. Since then I have received some sort of blessing every time I step through the doors. Especially from the functions for the women! The Bible Studies, Heart to Heart, and even one on one.
I have been attending the Wednesday night Beth Moore 'Stepping Up' Bible Study. And this past Wednesday night I walked away with a double dose of blessing! So much I felt God laid it on my heart to share it with the women of North Pointe who may not have the time to attend. But First, let me tell you about the dream I had the night before. In my dream many of the women of North Pointe were angels sent from God to direct me through my life.
Helping Me, protecting me, guiding me through me dream! In last nights bible study, Beth had us all stand up shoulder to shoulder to give us a visual of how we must stand against the enemy. Shoulder to shoulder in Christ! Knowing you are protected from either side. The bible says we're to encourage each other! Love each other deeply! Forgive one another to not be out witted by Satan!
I have two daughters, Morgan and Madison! My husband and I believe it takes a village to raise children. So, if you see either of my children doing anything unbecoming a young, christian woman - by all means SNATCH EM' UP, call us, Do something! Protect them from the enemy's schemes! This is how we should be with one another - encouraging, supporting, guiding ---PROTECTING!
I was the eldest of 2 girls with a younger sister who was tormented by bullies as a child. I could not count how many fights I was in protecting her. My love for her is the same we should have for each other, as Sisters in Christ!
Ask yourselves:How much room does Satan need to do damage?How much space are we giving him by not supporting each other the way the bible commands?
On Saturday October 18th, we are having a Women's Bible Conference - This is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our lines ladies! To fill in the gaps the enemy uses to separate us.
Please come and stand with us - Learn with Us! Pray with Us! So we can stand stronger to protect and fight. Remember, you are the Kings Daughters!
I love you!
Melanie Henry
P.S. Prayer is our weapon and the Bible is our armor. Together we can learn to use them!
For those who do not know me, my name is Melanie Henry. I started attending North Pointe in late December 2007 with my family. Since then I have received some sort of blessing every time I step through the doors. Especially from the functions for the women! The Bible Studies, Heart to Heart, and even one on one.
I have been attending the Wednesday night Beth Moore 'Stepping Up' Bible Study. And this past Wednesday night I walked away with a double dose of blessing! So much I felt God laid it on my heart to share it with the women of North Pointe who may not have the time to attend. But First, let me tell you about the dream I had the night before. In my dream many of the women of North Pointe were angels sent from God to direct me through my life.
Helping Me, protecting me, guiding me through me dream! In last nights bible study, Beth had us all stand up shoulder to shoulder to give us a visual of how we must stand against the enemy. Shoulder to shoulder in Christ! Knowing you are protected from either side. The bible says we're to encourage each other! Love each other deeply! Forgive one another to not be out witted by Satan!
I have two daughters, Morgan and Madison! My husband and I believe it takes a village to raise children. So, if you see either of my children doing anything unbecoming a young, christian woman - by all means SNATCH EM' UP, call us, Do something! Protect them from the enemy's schemes! This is how we should be with one another - encouraging, supporting, guiding ---PROTECTING!
I was the eldest of 2 girls with a younger sister who was tormented by bullies as a child. I could not count how many fights I was in protecting her. My love for her is the same we should have for each other, as Sisters in Christ!
Ask yourselves:How much room does Satan need to do damage?How much space are we giving him by not supporting each other the way the bible commands?
On Saturday October 18th, we are having a Women's Bible Conference - This is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen our lines ladies! To fill in the gaps the enemy uses to separate us.
Please come and stand with us - Learn with Us! Pray with Us! So we can stand stronger to protect and fight. Remember, you are the Kings Daughters!
I love you!
Melanie Henry
P.S. Prayer is our weapon and the Bible is our armor. Together we can learn to use them!
9:16 AM

What a morning! I’m sitting in my car because I left my office keys at home. That makes it mighty hard to open the door. Nothing like sitting in the parking lot having to wait for someone to come and open the door. Thankfully, I only have to wait 30 minutes until Dana, our receptionist comes in.
As I’m sitting here it strikes me that I have lived my spiritual life like this, waiting on someone to come and open the door for me. I still vividly recall as a young (not in years per say) Christian every time I needed to know where a verse was I had to call Eloise. She always seemed to have the answer. But it made me dependent on her, if I couldn’t get a hold of her I was smack out of luck, I had to wait. Just like I am waiting now, impatiently.
A couple of weeks ago when I first started talking to Ms. Kitty about doing this study, I knew God wanted to do it but I didn’t have a clear picture of where we would be heading. I had a general idea that it would have something to do with God fighting for verses our natural tendency to fight with. We fight with our husbands, our kids, our co-workers, and sometimes even with the people in the next car. Not God though He fights for us, for our families, for our friends, for our jobs, always for.
But it wasn’t until this morning as I’m sitting here that I realized He wants to give us the keys so we can get busy fighting for with Him. You know when you have the keys, you no longer have to wait on someone else, you see a need and you canrespond..
But when you don’t have them, you’re like I am, sitting in a parking lot knowing I could be doing something, but not able to. That begs the question, what will these keys look like?
The keys are:
Who are we in Christ?
How do I walk worthy as one who has been called?
Learning to use my weapons.
So if you find yourself fighting with people join us and lets take some new keys. Opening a new door of fighting for!
I hope you will decide to join us starting on Wednesday nightsOctober 22nd thru Nov. 19th. We will be meeting during AWANA'S in the ladies trailer. Or you can join us online here.
Oh, here is Dana, gotta run!
10:54 AM
I have been helping out with the youth here and there for the last few weeks. For the last two weeks I have gotten to be in with the High School girls for small group. Now can I say I wasn't overly excited to be helping in there. You might remember that I have a teen in my house already and I'm not sure I could handle any more drama! But the normal leader had to be out so I filled in.
I was wrong and God smacked me upside the head with it this week.
See even though I have a teen daughter, in my mind I didn't realize what they were doing in small groups. I guess I had this picture of them talking, acting goofy, texting and just being teen girls.
But you know what they are doing? The same thing we are doing, trying to get a handle on how to handle crisis, how do I live out what we believe and all that entails.
They are sharing, searching and trying to firm up exactly what they believe. And you know what we could take a lesson from them. I realized last night that we are missing out on HUGE blessings by not investing in these young ladies.
One of the things that struck me the most is how hard they are trying. They are sharing their lives and looking for guidance, from Jesus first and real live women secondly. And you know what, their troubles look a lot like ours. Relationships, one gal is trying hard to follow what God is telling her to do while at the exact same time honor her dad's wishes. If you're married I bet (can I bet on the church's blog??) you may have been in that same place.
Another one that struck me is a gal with a boyfriend who is not on the same page as her with Jesus. Been there, how about you?
Another that is in a situation that had bigger consequences than she thought! Check that one off myself!
Lastly, one of them is in desperate need for God to show up big. Been there before and right there now.
This morning on my way to work I was thinking about them and I kept thinking of Titus, the older women should nurture the younger women. Now I have always thought of that as the OLD women helping the young women like in their 20's or something. But as I thought of OUR young ladies, in our church, they need us desperately to encourage them.
Maybe something as simple as a 'good morning darling we are glad you are here' or 'you have a great smile.' They need to know we believe in them and we are proud of them.
Because I can assure you that from what I saw the last two weeks, Jesus is proud of them!
I was wrong and God smacked me upside the head with it this week.
See even though I have a teen daughter, in my mind I didn't realize what they were doing in small groups. I guess I had this picture of them talking, acting goofy, texting and just being teen girls.
But you know what they are doing? The same thing we are doing, trying to get a handle on how to handle crisis, how do I live out what we believe and all that entails.
They are sharing, searching and trying to firm up exactly what they believe. And you know what we could take a lesson from them. I realized last night that we are missing out on HUGE blessings by not investing in these young ladies.
One of the things that struck me the most is how hard they are trying. They are sharing their lives and looking for guidance, from Jesus first and real live women secondly. And you know what, their troubles look a lot like ours. Relationships, one gal is trying hard to follow what God is telling her to do while at the exact same time honor her dad's wishes. If you're married I bet (can I bet on the church's blog??) you may have been in that same place.
Another one that struck me is a gal with a boyfriend who is not on the same page as her with Jesus. Been there, how about you?
Another that is in a situation that had bigger consequences than she thought! Check that one off myself!
Lastly, one of them is in desperate need for God to show up big. Been there before and right there now.
This morning on my way to work I was thinking about them and I kept thinking of Titus, the older women should nurture the younger women. Now I have always thought of that as the OLD women helping the young women like in their 20's or something. But as I thought of OUR young ladies, in our church, they need us desperately to encourage them.
Maybe something as simple as a 'good morning darling we are glad you are here' or 'you have a great smile.' They need to know we believe in them and we are proud of them.
Because I can assure you that from what I saw the last two weeks, Jesus is proud of them!
7:27 AM
We seem to be in a world that is changing right before our eyes! I never thought I would get up in the morning and think, where will I get gas and will it have any?
Not to mention the economy. The girls (I have 3, one 15, one 12 and one 10) and I talked some the other night about what is going on. It's weird to be trying to reassure them that when they say 'we are headed to another depression', that they don't mean a depression. Especially since in the back of my head I'm thinking, surely they don't mean a depression like the one I have read about.
When we started this blog, I keep thinking of that verse that in my mind said those planted by the water will draw from that water and be fine. When I looked up the actual verse it said something a little different:
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
What a promise! The key is us, are we planted by the water or not? In scripture the Word of God many times is pictured as water. Are we drinking it in or some form of Kool-Aid?
I for one this week have been planted by CNN(Kool-Aid) and it shows! What is so wonderful though is just like a plant when we are refreshed and our leaves perk up. We really don't have a clue what is coming, but we never do. But we can choose to plant our selves by the water and draw from it!
So how about you guys, how is God speaking to you right now and what is He saying?
Not to mention the economy. The girls (I have 3, one 15, one 12 and one 10) and I talked some the other night about what is going on. It's weird to be trying to reassure them that when they say 'we are headed to another depression', that they don't mean a depression. Especially since in the back of my head I'm thinking, surely they don't mean a depression like the one I have read about.
When we started this blog, I keep thinking of that verse that in my mind said those planted by the water will draw from that water and be fine. When I looked up the actual verse it said something a little different:
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
What a promise! The key is us, are we planted by the water or not? In scripture the Word of God many times is pictured as water. Are we drinking it in or some form of Kool-Aid?
I for one this week have been planted by CNN(Kool-Aid) and it shows! What is so wonderful though is just like a plant when we are refreshed and our leaves perk up. We really don't have a clue what is coming, but we never do. But we can choose to plant our selves by the water and draw from it!
So how about you guys, how is God speaking to you right now and what is He saying?
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About Me

- Jenny
- I'm a mom to 3 girls, who I'm crazy about! I'm married to my High School sweetie and now my daughter is the age I was when I first met him! Unbelieveable! I'm trying harder and harder to make Jesus the complete center of my life, and you all help me in more ways than you know!
Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.