6:02 AM
We have a lady in our church who is headed to the most unchristian nation on the Earth in a day or so. Because of where she is going we are just going to call her Ms. H. I thought I would tell you about the first time I ever met her.
About 4 maybe 5 years ago a friend of mine invited me to a lady's brunch to hear a speaker. I'm using the word friend loosely because at the time this was a lady that called me out of the blue to invite me. In fact after I received the invitation I called another friend to see what she thought I should wear. I can so remember that! She advised me to dress up, I dressed down. Why do we ask for advice and ignore it?
I followed my friend to the biggest house I had ever been in! The ladies were all dressed up and they had the real china out for us to eat on. Needless to say, I felt totally out of place. If I hadn't gotten blocked in I may have tried to slip out the door. I was thinking I am in the wrong place.
We sat down in the living room and Ms. H stood up and began to share about her recent trip. I believe it was one of her first trips. That part went over my head but what stuck deeply was that she was doing something and she was just a normal woman. She had such a passion and she wanted so much for us to have that same passion, Jesus Christ. Her passion shows itself through evangelism and teaching. But the passion is Jesus. I was at the right place because what I so desperately wanted to hear from somewhere was that God was still in the miracle business and He worked like that in normal people's life.
Everyone of us can have that same passion (Jesus) and I believe see the same Mighty hand of God in their lives. We may show it in a different way but it will touch people the same, and draw people to Jesus.
I didn't see Ms.H again for years. When we first came to NorthPointe I was excited to hear that they also went. It has been neat to see them and watch from a distance, while I would say we are friends we aren't "friends". Do you know what I mean?
But even from the distance I can tell you two things, that passion is still burning, maybe even more intently. The other thing is, obedience is the key. That is the one that stings me the most. Obedience is hard. But the only way we are ever going to see the miracles of God is through obedience.
Although I can think of a couple of people in the Bible that saw huge miracles through disobedience, Jonah, but I think I'll pass on that way!
I started out asking 'how does Ms. H's mission affect me?' It's a heart test, is my heart cold, warm or hot to the things of God? We 100% know that God cares about the people in these countries that are so closed so our reaction is a check-up tool.
If my heart is cold, then I listen to her and walk away, thinking as she shared someone told her, its not worth it.
If my heart is warm, I could hug her neck and say I will pray for you. I think a warm heart will even do that, pray for her.
But a heart that is hot for God will look at her and think I want to have a part of what God is doing. I think for everyone of us our part would be different because we all have different gifts, but the key is a desire to be a part of it!
Could be you give her a donation, could be you pray for her, could be you help take care of those who she is leaving here stateside, could be you ask God what He would have you do.
Then when she gets back and shares what happened, we can thank God for the opportunity to be a part of it!
If you would like to contact her send me an email to gowatersedge at gmail dot com and I'll pass it on to her.
About 4 maybe 5 years ago a friend of mine invited me to a lady's brunch to hear a speaker. I'm using the word friend loosely because at the time this was a lady that called me out of the blue to invite me. In fact after I received the invitation I called another friend to see what she thought I should wear. I can so remember that! She advised me to dress up, I dressed down. Why do we ask for advice and ignore it?
I followed my friend to the biggest house I had ever been in! The ladies were all dressed up and they had the real china out for us to eat on. Needless to say, I felt totally out of place. If I hadn't gotten blocked in I may have tried to slip out the door. I was thinking I am in the wrong place.
We sat down in the living room and Ms. H stood up and began to share about her recent trip. I believe it was one of her first trips. That part went over my head but what stuck deeply was that she was doing something and she was just a normal woman. She had such a passion and she wanted so much for us to have that same passion, Jesus Christ. Her passion shows itself through evangelism and teaching. But the passion is Jesus. I was at the right place because what I so desperately wanted to hear from somewhere was that God was still in the miracle business and He worked like that in normal people's life.
Everyone of us can have that same passion (Jesus) and I believe see the same Mighty hand of God in their lives. We may show it in a different way but it will touch people the same, and draw people to Jesus.
I didn't see Ms.H again for years. When we first came to NorthPointe I was excited to hear that they also went. It has been neat to see them and watch from a distance, while I would say we are friends we aren't "friends". Do you know what I mean?
But even from the distance I can tell you two things, that passion is still burning, maybe even more intently. The other thing is, obedience is the key. That is the one that stings me the most. Obedience is hard. But the only way we are ever going to see the miracles of God is through obedience.
Although I can think of a couple of people in the Bible that saw huge miracles through disobedience, Jonah, but I think I'll pass on that way!
I started out asking 'how does Ms. H's mission affect me?' It's a heart test, is my heart cold, warm or hot to the things of God? We 100% know that God cares about the people in these countries that are so closed so our reaction is a check-up tool.
If my heart is cold, then I listen to her and walk away, thinking as she shared someone told her, its not worth it.
If my heart is warm, I could hug her neck and say I will pray for you. I think a warm heart will even do that, pray for her.
But a heart that is hot for God will look at her and think I want to have a part of what God is doing. I think for everyone of us our part would be different because we all have different gifts, but the key is a desire to be a part of it!
Could be you give her a donation, could be you pray for her, could be you help take care of those who she is leaving here stateside, could be you ask God what He would have you do.
Then when she gets back and shares what happened, we can thank God for the opportunity to be a part of it!
If you would like to contact her send me an email to gowatersedge at gmail dot com and I'll pass it on to her.
7:18 AM

There is a new movie coming out September 26 by the same people who made "Facing the Giants." It has Kirk Cameron in it and the preview looks GREAT! You can find a link to the movie here.
Marriage is hard and this movie is meant to encourage marriages, so it would be a great date night. From what I have read about the movie it has elements for us and the hubs! Then they have a companion book that is the 40 day challenge (which is part of the movie) that helps you change the course you are currently on. I got to see the first 7 days of the book and it looks like it would have some fun in it, but more importantly maybe some valuable lessons.
Let us know if you are planning on seeing the movie!
2:46 PM
It's kinda hard to look at a blank screen and know where to start. Not to mention I'm not for sure I know what I'm doing.
So maybe I should start with what I do know.
I do know that blogging is a great way to connect with women both in our own area and in other parts of not just the states but truly world-wide! In fact Debbie who is coming from Texas to share with us what God has taught her was brought into our lives through blogging.
It's kinda a neat story. Sometime after Christmas I was needing a new prayer journal and Beth Moore had recommended one on her blog. I figured if it was one that she recommended I needed to give it a try. I went to the website (Debbie's) and ordered it, a book and one CD. I feel in LOVE with the prayer journal! Now I have been using a pray journal for years, so I am hard to impress.
I went back to her website to send her an email when I noticed that she had a blog. Now at this time blogging was very new to me but I visited her blog and left a comment. Then she RESPONDED, see that to me is the beauty of blogging, you can easily respond to a person. I felt so special!
I continued to read her blog, and one day she shared how God had given her a vision of going to 50 different churches in 50 states for free! Totally for free. I was on her blog that day and I told her I thought our women's ministry leader, Ms. Kitty would be interested in talking to her. They talked and she will be standing in our very own church, October 18th! Can you believe that?
I hope you will jump on board with us both with the conference and with the blog! You can find a link to Debbie's blog right over on the side bar called "You Go Girl!" And that great journal I told you about is part of what you get with your conference registration!
So maybe I should start with what I do know.
I do know that blogging is a great way to connect with women both in our own area and in other parts of not just the states but truly world-wide! In fact Debbie who is coming from Texas to share with us what God has taught her was brought into our lives through blogging.
It's kinda a neat story. Sometime after Christmas I was needing a new prayer journal and Beth Moore had recommended one on her blog. I figured if it was one that she recommended I needed to give it a try. I went to the website (Debbie's) and ordered it, a book and one CD. I feel in LOVE with the prayer journal! Now I have been using a pray journal for years, so I am hard to impress.
I went back to her website to send her an email when I noticed that she had a blog. Now at this time blogging was very new to me but I visited her blog and left a comment. Then she RESPONDED, see that to me is the beauty of blogging, you can easily respond to a person. I felt so special!
I continued to read her blog, and one day she shared how God had given her a vision of going to 50 different churches in 50 states for free! Totally for free. I was on her blog that day and I told her I thought our women's ministry leader, Ms. Kitty would be interested in talking to her. They talked and she will be standing in our very own church, October 18th! Can you believe that?
I hope you will jump on board with us both with the conference and with the blog! You can find a link to Debbie's blog right over on the side bar called "You Go Girl!" And that great journal I told you about is part of what you get with your conference registration!
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About Me

- Jenny
- I'm a mom to 3 girls, who I'm crazy about! I'm married to my High School sweetie and now my daughter is the age I was when I first met him! Unbelieveable! I'm trying harder and harder to make Jesus the complete center of my life, and you all help me in more ways than you know!
Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.