2:46 PM
It's kinda hard to look at a blank screen and know where to start. Not to mention I'm not for sure I know what I'm doing.
So maybe I should start with what I do know.
I do know that blogging is a great way to connect with women both in our own area and in other parts of not just the states but truly world-wide! In fact Debbie who is coming from Texas to share with us what God has taught her was brought into our lives through blogging.
It's kinda a neat story. Sometime after Christmas I was needing a new prayer journal and Beth Moore had recommended one on her blog. I figured if it was one that she recommended I needed to give it a try. I went to the website (Debbie's) and ordered it, a book and one CD. I feel in LOVE with the prayer journal! Now I have been using a pray journal for years, so I am hard to impress.
I went back to her website to send her an email when I noticed that she had a blog. Now at this time blogging was very new to me but I visited her blog and left a comment. Then she RESPONDED, see that to me is the beauty of blogging, you can easily respond to a person. I felt so special!
I continued to read her blog, and one day she shared how God had given her a vision of going to 50 different churches in 50 states for free! Totally for free. I was on her blog that day and I told her I thought our women's ministry leader, Ms. Kitty would be interested in talking to her. They talked and she will be standing in our very own church, October 18th! Can you believe that?
I hope you will jump on board with us both with the conference and with the blog! You can find a link to Debbie's blog right over on the side bar called "You Go Girl!" And that great journal I told you about is part of what you get with your conference registration!
So maybe I should start with what I do know.
I do know that blogging is a great way to connect with women both in our own area and in other parts of not just the states but truly world-wide! In fact Debbie who is coming from Texas to share with us what God has taught her was brought into our lives through blogging.
It's kinda a neat story. Sometime after Christmas I was needing a new prayer journal and Beth Moore had recommended one on her blog. I figured if it was one that she recommended I needed to give it a try. I went to the website (Debbie's) and ordered it, a book and one CD. I feel in LOVE with the prayer journal! Now I have been using a pray journal for years, so I am hard to impress.
I went back to her website to send her an email when I noticed that she had a blog. Now at this time blogging was very new to me but I visited her blog and left a comment. Then she RESPONDED, see that to me is the beauty of blogging, you can easily respond to a person. I felt so special!
I continued to read her blog, and one day she shared how God had given her a vision of going to 50 different churches in 50 states for free! Totally for free. I was on her blog that day and I told her I thought our women's ministry leader, Ms. Kitty would be interested in talking to her. They talked and she will be standing in our very own church, October 18th! Can you believe that?
I hope you will jump on board with us both with the conference and with the blog! You can find a link to Debbie's blog right over on the side bar called "You Go Girl!" And that great journal I told you about is part of what you get with your conference registration!
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About Me

- Jenny
- I'm a mom to 3 girls, who I'm crazy about! I'm married to my High School sweetie and now my daughter is the age I was when I first met him! Unbelieveable! I'm trying harder and harder to make Jesus the complete center of my life, and you all help me in more ways than you know!
Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
This is great and welcome all aboard! What a neat way to share!
We have sent out 51 packets to churches for the conference and sending more everyday! We have personally contacted Women's Leaders and we are praying for Unity!
Ms. Kitty
Jenny and Ms Kitty,
I can't wait to be with you October 18. It's only a FEW weeks away! We are going to have such an awesome time together. Those who come are going to learn new ways to praise God, intercede for family and friends, and even learn practical ways to stand against temptation and depression.
God has a word for everyone whether you're a seeker, new Christian, or have been a Christian for as long as you can remember.
I can't wait to be with you!
Debbie Williams, Phil 3:7-10
I have to say that the ladies group The Right Fight is wonderful! Jenny is so inspirational. I look forward to our Sunday night bible study all week. It has helped me tremendously. Keep up the good work Jenny. God is doing amazing things thru you.
Brandy Green
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