10:10 AM
What are you waiting on the Lord to “finally” do?
Some of you have major cares, healings for loved ones, children to turn to God, and marriages to be restored that you are waiting on God to ‘finally’ act in. Some of us have less serious cares, but long with the same passion.
We find it so hard to wait, and when it finally comes, we say, “finally, I had almost lost hope.” Have you ever thought that Jesus is feeling some of the same feelings? He is up in heaven looking at us, trying to live in a world that is getting darker by the day. Watching us struggle with choices that in times past did not even exist. The difference between Jesus and us is he is not giving up hope! He knows God will finish what he started!
Jesus is to be our example in all things. He has a big ‘finally’ coming up, the day He comes back in glory and power! Not only will he say ‘finally’ but all of earth will breathe a sigh and say ‘finally’. But in the mean time, we must be about His business and wait through the hardship knowing God promises that there will be a ‘finally’.
Lord, help us to remember your example, not to get lost in the waiting, but to be working as we wait. Gently remind us at how you are in the same boat as us…waiting to come back and set all the wrongs to rights. And it is through this process that we grow closer to you. Amen
Some of you have major cares, healings for loved ones, children to turn to God, and marriages to be restored that you are waiting on God to ‘finally’ act in. Some of us have less serious cares, but long with the same passion.
We find it so hard to wait, and when it finally comes, we say, “finally, I had almost lost hope.” Have you ever thought that Jesus is feeling some of the same feelings? He is up in heaven looking at us, trying to live in a world that is getting darker by the day. Watching us struggle with choices that in times past did not even exist. The difference between Jesus and us is he is not giving up hope! He knows God will finish what he started!
Jesus is to be our example in all things. He has a big ‘finally’ coming up, the day He comes back in glory and power! Not only will he say ‘finally’ but all of earth will breathe a sigh and say ‘finally’. But in the mean time, we must be about His business and wait through the hardship knowing God promises that there will be a ‘finally’.
Lord, help us to remember your example, not to get lost in the waiting, but to be working as we wait. Gently remind us at how you are in the same boat as us…waiting to come back and set all the wrongs to rights. And it is through this process that we grow closer to you. Amen
6:34 AM
Yesterday was one of those days made for napping! Nothing makes me happier than taking a nap. I was raised in house where it was common to take naps, Chad's family never takes naps. I have pulled him into my nap taking ways.
Saturday night I went to a Chili Cook-Off at my mom's church. It happens to be the same church that I first accepted Christ in. It's weird how after 16 years, it still feels like home. I got to introduce Lauren to my first sunday school teacher, Sudie. She also leads a Moms In Touch group that gets together to pray for their school age children. Did I mention she is now 72? Doesn't look like it and is still going strong, still encouraging, challenging and sweet. That is what I want to be like when I grow up!!
I took a peek at MIT's website and out of all the schools in Bartow County only Woodland has a group of mom's praying in a specific group. I know mom's are praying, but if there happens to be one of you reading that is feeling a tug to do something like this, I can't recommend this organization higher.
Talking with Sudie was the highlight of my weekend! What was the highlight of your weekend?
Saturday night I went to a Chili Cook-Off at my mom's church. It happens to be the same church that I first accepted Christ in. It's weird how after 16 years, it still feels like home. I got to introduce Lauren to my first sunday school teacher, Sudie. She also leads a Moms In Touch group that gets together to pray for their school age children. Did I mention she is now 72? Doesn't look like it and is still going strong, still encouraging, challenging and sweet. That is what I want to be like when I grow up!!
I took a peek at MIT's website and out of all the schools in Bartow County only Woodland has a group of mom's praying in a specific group. I know mom's are praying, but if there happens to be one of you reading that is feeling a tug to do something like this, I can't recommend this organization higher.
Talking with Sudie was the highlight of my weekend! What was the highlight of your weekend?
7:05 PM
All the snow is gone, and as cold as it has been many of us are longing for summer already! I am so fickle, one day I'm in awe of the snow and today ready for summer. When I sat down this morning to start my study, a verse caught my eye and I thought it might have caught yours too.
What threw me for a loop, was that last part "which can save you". What is up with that? I went back a few verses to see it in context. It starts out "brothers", so I can safely conclude that James is writing to Christians so what is that verse saying?
It is really an amazing concept once I studied it out. It is talking about how when we accept the "word" into our heads/hearts it has the power to save us. Not salvation saving but everyday life on the plantet saving. I started thinking about some of the ways God's word has saved me recently.
One that popped in my mind, was a dinner we went to, where someone there said something that immediately caused me to want to smack them across the table. Do you know what I mean? But all of a sudden that verse that says, "a fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."
In my past there has been many a time that I acted the fool and had to try to make something right. And sometimes you can and sometimes you can't, but when I let that Word implanted save me, I end up being wise!
Can you share a way God's Word implanted in you has saved you?
Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. James 1:21
What threw me for a loop, was that last part "which can save you". What is up with that? I went back a few verses to see it in context. It starts out "brothers", so I can safely conclude that James is writing to Christians so what is that verse saying?
It is really an amazing concept once I studied it out. It is talking about how when we accept the "word" into our heads/hearts it has the power to save us. Not salvation saving but everyday life on the plantet saving. I started thinking about some of the ways God's word has saved me recently.
One that popped in my mind, was a dinner we went to, where someone there said something that immediately caused me to want to smack them across the table. Do you know what I mean? But all of a sudden that verse that says, "a fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control."
In my past there has been many a time that I acted the fool and had to try to make something right. And sometimes you can and sometimes you can't, but when I let that Word implanted save me, I end up being wise!
Can you share a way God's Word implanted in you has saved you?
8:38 PM

I love to watch snow fall and judging by all the activity on FaceBook it seems I am in the majority. I wish the picture to the left was my view but not exactly. However, as I sat here watching the snow fall, I wondered what the Bible had to say about snow.
I was surprised to see in Job two mentions of snow, the first can be summed up as God saying to the snow, "snow" and it obeying. In the second mention God tells Job that He has a "storehouse of snow." It is a beautiful picture, imagining a storehouse of snow, where God today walked in and decided to throw some snow down on us. I think God is happy when all of us, take step back and just enjoy something He has created!
Two other mentions of snow occur in the New Testament. One describes what an angel looked like, "clothing white as snow." The next time we see the word snow, is in Rev. 1:14 "His head and hair where like white wool, like snow." This reference I believe is to Jesus.
Snow, seems to be pretty special. I need to make sure when the girls and I are watching the snow fall that I weave these into what we are talking about.
Many of you may be familiar with the verse in Isaiah that says, "through your sins be like scarlet, they will be white as snow." And while those are some powerful verses, for some reason tonight I was drawn to the lighter side of snow, if that makes sense.
I would love to hear what you think about the snow in connection with God.
7:52 PM
Isn't it ironic that we have all the light we can possibly need and many times we walk around in darkness, trying to figure out what we should be doing, all because we are blocking the light in us.
Light has several neat features, illuminating our paths and warmth. Have you ever felt a light shine on you until you could feel the heat? We live in world with people that desperately need some warmth in their lives.
When my girls were little and I volunteered at the schools, sometimes you could just see a child that needed a warm smile, a hug or maybe some encouraging words.
Let your light shine today!
Our question for today is how can you share your light? I'm going to make a point to make sure when I talk with people in the everyday course of life, that I look them in the eye and smile. (Even if they have totally messed my order up!)
2:11 PM
One thing I noticed right as I started doing my lesson for today, is when this was written, I must have wrote much smaller than I do now! Seriously, at the time I was very concerned with making sure each day was only one page. I have no clue why that was important to me, but it was.
As I read through my verses, in 1 John 1-2:11, what jumped out to me, was "if we walk in the light we will have fellowship with one another" V. 1:7. Then in verse 2:10, whoever loves his brother lives in the light.
Both these verses, speak directly to a spot God has been working on with me. Interaction with people. My natural tendency is not to make friends easily, never have been very good making friends. But you know what, when Katie had some trouble this summer, I made three phone calls to friends, and thanks to them being willing to help (and them being much more friend blessed) a small army came and helped.
That spoke volumes to my heart, and I know I need to walk daily as a better friend.
Now, for this blog thing to work, we have to interact. So in the comments, let me know what you saw today. If you are new to blogs, you can click on the comment button under this post. Then you can write your comments, click anonymous and then click the publish button!
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About Me

- Jenny
- I'm a mom to 3 girls, who I'm crazy about! I'm married to my High School sweetie and now my daughter is the age I was when I first met him! Unbelieveable! I'm trying harder and harder to make Jesus the complete center of my life, and you all help me in more ways than you know!
Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.