8:38 PM

I love to watch snow fall and judging by all the activity on FaceBook it seems I am in the majority. I wish the picture to the left was my view but not exactly. However, as I sat here watching the snow fall, I wondered what the Bible had to say about snow.
I was surprised to see in Job two mentions of snow, the first can be summed up as God saying to the snow, "snow" and it obeying. In the second mention God tells Job that He has a "storehouse of snow." It is a beautiful picture, imagining a storehouse of snow, where God today walked in and decided to throw some snow down on us. I think God is happy when all of us, take step back and just enjoy something He has created!
Two other mentions of snow occur in the New Testament. One describes what an angel looked like, "clothing white as snow." The next time we see the word snow, is in Rev. 1:14 "His head and hair where like white wool, like snow." This reference I believe is to Jesus.
Snow, seems to be pretty special. I need to make sure when the girls and I are watching the snow fall that I weave these into what we are talking about.
Many of you may be familiar with the verse in Isaiah that says, "through your sins be like scarlet, they will be white as snow." And while those are some powerful verses, for some reason tonight I was drawn to the lighter side of snow, if that makes sense.
I would love to hear what you think about the snow in connection with God.
snow day
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About Me

- Jenny
- I'm a mom to 3 girls, who I'm crazy about! I'm married to my High School sweetie and now my daughter is the age I was when I first met him! Unbelieveable! I'm trying harder and harder to make Jesus the complete center of my life, and you all help me in more ways than you know!
Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
The new look is great!
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